Vermont Santa's
"Charitable Appearance" Request Page


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Thank You for visiting Vermont Santa's "Charitable Appearance" request page. This page is set up to provide information to organizations that are considering a request for Santa to appear at a reduced price or at no cost at all for charitable, military or non-profit organizations.

The "Charitable Appearance" page is not for commerical or cause-related marketing promotions. Please consider our normal booking process for these kinds of events.

Vermont Santa will work with as many organizations as possible. It would be wonderful if a Santa could be supplied for every request, but we cannot guarantee that a Santa will be available for the exact day and time you require. As you can understand the Christmas Season is a busy one for Santa.

Some Helpful Hints:

Before you submit your request, here are a few suggestions that we hope will improve your chances of obtaining a Santa:

1. Your "Charitable Appearance" request must be for a group or organization and not a visit to a single child or family. Of course Vermont Santa does do individual visits however these would be handled through our normal booking process.

2. Events in the weeks before Thanksgiving will have a much better chance of securing Santa, as his schedule is very busy after Thanksgiving and even more difficult as you get closer to Christmas.

3. Vermont Santa's goal is to supply a Santa to make a special appearance for non-commercial events where his appearance can enhance the results of a project or where his appearance adds something special to an otherwise deeply emotional event.

To make a request, please complete the "Charitable Appearance" Request Form below:

  • Vermont Santa "Charitable Request" Form

  • -
  • Dates Requested for Visit

  • Should be Empty:
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This Page Revised: October 11, 2015